Achim Bertenburg
29.10.2021 –
Opening reception
29 October | 16:00
The exhibition can be viewed in the rooms at Weberstraße 51a.
Viewing by appointment: 0421 161 426 92 or info@k-strich.de.
The flowers in Achim Bertenburg’s new oil paintings radiate existentiality. Their flames flicker beneath the darker layers of paint. Bertenburg works in layers that simultaneously conceal and reveal. If the sunlight hits an image just right, the darkness of the night or a closed room is rendered transparent. It seems as if the flowers want to break through the quiet of colour. They are like a final optical impression before one goes blind after having looked directly into the sun. And yet, at the same time, they are the exact opposite: a first dull look at the world, with eyes still half asleep. Bertenburg’s flowers are situated at the beginning or the end of something, be it a day, clarity in consciousness, or an entire life. They emerge as something metaphysical and religious or – perhaps – merely psychotic.
Photo documentation: Konstanze Spät