Francisco Valença Vaz

Francisco Valença Vaz (born 1996 in Recife, Brazil) instrumentalizes the means of painting to work toward the medium's downfall. He doesn't organise colours, planes, and lines on canvas – he works in space, with projection, shadow, and light. These spatial images are then translated into small sculptures made of shaped Plexiglas. In his most recent works he uses malleable items found in all bathrooms around the world: towels and shower curtains. These basic universal materials are printed with his graphic compositions. The resulting panels change their appearance depending on how they are hung, folded, or draped. He also used coloured soap base to cast small objects that are ultimately graphic rather than three-dimensional in nature. And he had amorphous shapes laser cut out of see-through Plexiglas, which remind the viewer of clouds, waves, or small ships. Their timid appearance is manifested in a clear material, the outlines of which are obscured by fractured light and shadows.
Francisco Valença Vaz lives and works in Vienna.

nur net hudln
goldene Äpfel auf silbernen Schalen
so vergeht der Ruhm der Welt
Erstmal sacken lassen
The fame of the world (Der Ruhm der Welt) passes right on the body of the glorious artist. He seeks the consolation that the capitalistically reified and now also warring world denies him in the things of art. It is said of things of art that they are at odds with the world, that they are resistant. A colored scarf is now wrapped around the artist's tired body as an art object that promises consolation. But his promise is disappointed: he just hangs heavily on the tired body, tiring him out instead of giving him strength and comfort. Its synthetic material, synthetic pattern assert dynamism and intensify the cold. Alienated paid labor exhausts the body; the artistic work appears with a promise, then becomes similar to piad labor and only exhausts the body more. The thing that promises consolation finally appears on the wall as a drawing or artistic signature, as a merely aesthetic residue, freed of body, work and exhaustion. The flickering lines that now surround it make the thing of dead work appear alive. As a play of light, they finally ennoble the thing of dead work as a sanctuary, as an autonomous work of art. The fame of the world (Der Ruhm der Welt) passes right on the body of the glorious artist. He seeks the consolation that the capitalistically reified and now also warring world denies him in the things of art. It is said of things of art that they are at odds with the world, that they are resistant. A colored scarf is now wrapped around the artist's tired body as an art object that promises consolation. But his promise is disappointed: he just hangs heavily on the tired body, tiring him out instead of giving him strength and comfort. Its synthetic material, synthetic pattern assert dynamism and intensify the cold. Alienated paid labor exhausts the body; the artistic work appears with a promise, then becomes similar to piad labor and only exhausts the body more. The thing that promises consolation finally appears on the wall as a drawing or artistic signature, as a merely aesthetic residue, freed of body, work and exhaustion. The flickering lines that now surround it make the thing of dead work appear alive. As a play of light, they finally ennoble the thing of dead work as a sanctuary, as an autonomous work of art.
Solo Exhibitions
Trugbilder / Delusions, Asifakeil / Museumsqartier, Wien
Radikaler Optimismus, Galerie K', Bremen
Vitrina - Clutch Tag, Brunnenpassage, Vienna
xy galerie, Olomouc, Czech Republic
nur net hudln, Sternstudio Galerie, Vienna, Austria
Nimm, was du kriegen kannst, Eboran Galerie, Salzburg, Österreich
Francisco Valenca Vaz, Galerie K´, Bremen
Erstmal sacken lassen, Künstlerhäuser Worpswede
5wh1, Galerie Mitte, Bremen
Group Exhibitions
BAUMKÖTTER CIAO (Klassen von 2010 - 2025), Galerie Mite, Bremen
Fragmented Worlds – Common Grounds, Barvinskyi Gallery, Wien
fragility of being, Das Weisse Haus, Wien
All you have is nit just flesh and bones, Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien
Aspekte der Selbstreflexion als Räume der Gesellschaft, kunstraum pro arte, Hallein, Österreich
Schauvier, ent, Haag, Österrreich
À Table!, Schloss Agathenburg
Die Büchert der Künstler/innen, Galerie K', Bremen
Completely Knocked Down 2, Städtische Galerie Bremen
Like a fish out of water, Universität der Künste Berlin
Start56, Gopea Preis, Burg Bentheim, Bentheim
Stinky Jelly Steam, Galerie Mitte, Bremen
Weaving Echos, Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Bremen
Galeriefest Kassel 2022, Südgalerien e.V., Kassel
45. Bremer Förderpreis für Bildende Kunst, Städtische Galerie Bremen
Gallery of pre-established Art, Nordhorn
Rausprojekt 8.0, Wien, Österreich
2021oVierzig_aufladen, Galerie Mitte, Bremen
Número Galeria, Recife, Brasilien
sublit, Galerie 149, Bremerhaven
erots, Horror Vacuii Offspace, Leipzig
Tsinghua International Conference on Art and Design Education, Peking, China
Discount, Circa 106, Bremen
Family Affairs, FAQ, Bremen
Botscha, Haus 6, Künstlerhäuser Worpswede
Art Matters 3. Galerie Biesenbach, Köln
Cappuccino Semiotics, Filmfest Bremen
Art in Bremen, Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
Raus.Project 4.0 mit Frauke Alina Becker, Kassel
Scope, Privatwohnung mit Fabian Sokolowski, Düsseldorf
Happy Meal, Galerie CK, Leipzig
Wir sind für Sie da, Galerie Mitte, Bremen
Completely Knocked Down 1 - Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhaes Recife, Brasilien
Remote Patch Bremen, Bismarckstraße 106, Bremen
Hausbesuche, Galerie Mitte, Bremen
Westentasche, Galerie des Westens, Bremen
#9d725b, Tor40 Güterbahnhof, BremenaRaum, Bremen
C. Haake und F. Vaz, mit Christian Haake, Schauburg Kino, Bremen
A_Sample, Galerie beim Schwarzen Meer, Bremen
Das Rätsel der Freiheit, Focke Museum, Bremen
Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung, Bremen
Studienzentrum für Künstlerpublikationen / Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen